5 Christmas Questions to Help Empower Senior Citizens

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The "Season" is upon us and everywhere we look we see Christmas. There are Nativity Scenes set up around town, Christmas specials on TV and pleasant chit chat in the check-out lane at the Supermarket. Our senses are picking it up every waking moment of the day - Christmas is omnipresent.

I have three small kids and there is a definite excitement and meticulous countdown for this long-awaited day. My gifts are hidden at Gramma and Grampas house, to make sure the surprises are kept... a surprise.

This special season might be exciting for most, but there are some who can't share in the "here and theres" all over town.

Our senior citizens, the elderly in our communities, are generally at a great disadvantage when it comes to pretty much anything - Christmas is no different.

So take a closer look at the grandmas and grandpas around you at the grocery store, at church or at the park. Look to your own family...

Here are some key questions you can ask yourself, or them, regarding Christmas...
  1. What are your plans for Christmas? 
  2. Do you have family close by? 
  3. Are you done with your Christmas shopping? 
  4. Do you need a lift? 
  5. How can I help you? 
Remember to be gentle with your questions. No one likes to feel useless and helpless. If you aren't sensitive, they may feel like you think they can't do anything on their own - which is incorrect. They may not be able to independently get to the shopping center, but they are able to decide between earrings or dishtowels for Cousin Eva.

Remember programs and events. 

Many Seniors grew up going to Christmas Eve/Christmas services at church. Would they be interested in attending?  The elderly struggle with getting tired very quickly and a reason they won't participate in events is because they don't want to bother anyone if they want to go home earlier. Getting a ride is easy, but leaving early and inconveniencing someone to give you a lift can be embarrassing. Show yourself available and willing to leave early, if the person so wishes. 

It is our job to accompany, not to push our agendas. We are facilitators, companions and friends. Our goal is to help our Senior Citizens get their stuff done, while empowering them in their stage of life. 

Merry Christmas

---- For more information and further insight, check out Bluebird Care's article on their website. They do great work with Senior Citizens in the UK
